We are only a few days away from not only the biggest event UVic has seen in almost 20 years, but also one of the largest movie shoots to ever happen in Victoria! You will be there when we make history and break the GUINNESS WORLD RECORD!
If you haven’t made up your mind on whether you are attending the massive UVic Lipdub filming this Saturday – if this doesn’t convince you, I don’t know what will (http://lipdubtube.blogspot.com/2010/07/lipdub-hey-soul-sister-uvic-2010.html). You have the opportunity to make history and set a Guinness World Record...and you get FREE FOOD by just dancing, lip-syncing and having fun!
A couple of last minute pieces of information:
1. FREE FOOD AND DRINKS will be provided. We only have enough food for the first 3000 people who register in the morning (we will provide you with a meal ticket), so make sure you register early (see registration info below).
2. PLEASE HELP US SPREAD THE WORD – we only have one shot to do this and break the GUINNESS RECORD. Show your LIPDUB SUPPORT and change your PROFILE PHOTO to the Lipdub poster, change your status, INVITE all of your friends to the Facebook event/group, talk about it with everyone you see, CHALKBOARD your classrooms, and, if you feel brave enough, talk about it in front of your classes.
3. We are raising money for BC Children’s Hospital Foundation and the United Way – if you can afford to bring a few bucks that would be awesome!
4. Registration goes from 7:15am until 8:30am – please try to be in your assigned classroom by 8:30 (see assignments here: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=36108808&l=bf4ba8e194&id=122500768). We need you to register in order for us to keep track of individuals so that we have an exact number of participants to send to Guinness for our world record attempt!
5. You are welcome (and encouraged) to bring props – if you want to set up your living room outside of the SUB, or you want to bring a floatie so you can lounge around in the fountain (or anything else you want to bring) please do so!
6. This will be happening RAIN or SHINE. We are hoping that it will be sunny (or overcast)...however this is Victoria and I can’t guarantee we won’t be hit by a couple of raindrops. If it is raining, we will keep you warm and dry!
7. Please try to learn the choreography before coming to campus.
8. Dress up in something colourful and/or crazy. We want to make this FUN and EXCITING (think “slightly toned down Lady Gaga concert”). Again, please no LOGOS or large graphics on your shirt (except for UVic, Vikes etc.).
A HUGE thanks to all of the volunteers of this project, as well as the groups and businesses that have provided us with financial support and food/drinks for the day’s events – UVSS, Pepsi, Redbull, Student Care, UVic Bookstore, Ali Baba’s Pizza, Hot House Pizza, UVic Printing Services, The Ocean, JackFM, The Zone, Department of French, Department of Physics, Department of Child and Youth Care, the Faculty of Continuing Studies, and the University of Victoria Executive of Student Affairs. Our BIGGEST THANKS goes to ACLARA PROMOTIONS and Chris Ruffell who will be doing all of the filming and editing of our video – check them out at http://tiny.cc/zgbli or www.AclaraPromotions.com .
Again, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to shoot me an email or call me (250-418-5450). Thanks for your help in promoting this. See you on Saturday!!!
Shawn Slavin
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