Let's be completely honest, our Mundo Lipdub's team is fascinated!. Despite having being filmed at night, so the lighting is not the best at all times,waste of imagination, character, dynamism... everything is TERRIFIC!. Undoubtedly, the best of this month.
This libdub, that includes a tribute to famous animation and video games characters, has fascinated us! This video has been realized in Poland by the Politechniki Wroclawskiej. The choice of the music was complicated and after valuing the possibility of using different songs, the copyright rules won the art and the best music option was " A little less conversation" of Elvis Presley vs jxl.
The most surprising effects are: zip line, the slot machine's girl, great human dominoes, the feeling of " don't go away yet, we have more" just after the shot, the acrobatics on the wall, the race of all kinds of vehicles at the parking (we have seen up to a canoe) and the final umbrellas' dance with the camera rising step by step looking for the final apoteosis.
We know that good technical devices have been used for filming this lipdub and in addition it has a great choreography, execution and creativity in spite of the camera sometimes moves too fast and does that some scenes remain a little bit blurry.
This lipdub has a technical high level, a great planning and a demonstrated waste of imagination but it might have shone much more if they could have chosen the music without usual problems with copyright.
Finally we want to propose you a game, look for the different characters who appear at the video:
- Wally
- Supermario disappearing and appearing
- Transformers
- Characters from Grease
- Indiana Jones
- Superman
We want to encourage you to see and vote it.
Enjoy. lol
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